You are here: Views, Reports and Graphs > Modifying a View > Removing a Column From a View

Removing a Column From a View

When Analyzer initially creates the default View, all defined data fields are shown as vertical columns, up to a maximum of 256. If you have defined a large number of data fields, you may be unable to see them without scrolling back and forth across the View.

To View only a subset of the defined fields, you can remove specific columns from a View by doing the following:

1. Open the View for your table layout.
2. Click the column heading(s) to highlight the column(s) you want to remove. You can select a block of columns by clicking the header of the first column and SHIFT+clicking the header of the last column. You can also use CTRL+clicking to select non-adjacent columns.
3. Right-click on the highlighted column(s) and select “Remove Columns” or press the delete key to remove the selected column(s). Analyzer prompts you to confirm that you want to remove the selected column(s).
4. Analyzer removes the columns from being displayed in the View.

Note: Removing a column from a View does not delete the underlying field definition in the table layout. If you subsequently want to include the field as a column in the View, you can simply reinsert the column. See Adding a Column to a View.

When you want to create multiple unique Views of the same table, duplicate your default View and then rename and modify it. This enables you to create an unlimited number of Views of the same table and avoids having to add and remove columns in the same View.