You are here: Views, Reports and Graphs > Modifying a View > Adding a Column to a View

Adding a Column to a View

You can add one or more columns to the View for fields that have been previously defined or for computed fields or unnamed ad hoc expressions. To add a column to an open View, do the following:

1. Select the location to add additional columns by clicking a column heading in the View.

Note: Analyzer will add column(s) to the left of the selected column. If no column is selected, Analyzer adds the column(s) as the last column(s) in the View.

2. Right-click in the View and select “Add Columns” to display the Add Columns dialog.
3. Double-click fields or click a field and use the [-->] and [<--] arrows to move fields between the Available Fields list box and the Selected Fields list box. Click [Add All] to select and move all fields to the Selected Fields column. To delete a field from the Selected Fields box, double-click it. To clear all Selected Fields, click [Clear All].
4. To add an expression or a new computed field, click [Expression] to display the Expression Builder. For more information, see Expression Builder.
5. To edit one of the fields in the Selected Fields column, highlight it and click [Edit] to display the Expression Builder.
6. When you have finished selecting fields, click [OK]. Analyzer adds the fields in the Add Columns dialog to the View as columns.