You are here: Commands > Relations > Relations Dialog Box

Relations Dialog Box

The Relations dialog displays relationships graphically, allowing you to easily manage many relationships.

As you work in the Relations dialog, Analyzer is actively creating and modifying your relations and your activities are recorded in the Command Log.

You can manage relations in the Relations Dialog in the following ways:

Add Tables - To add child tables to the Relations dialog, click the [Add Table] button. You can select a single table or use CTRL or SHIFT keys to select multiple tables
Remove Tables - To remove child tables that do not have a relationship, right-click the table and select Remove Table.
Create or Modify Relationships - To create relationships, drag a key field to its corresponding key field in another table. To edit or delete a relationship, right-click a relationship arrow to display a pop-up menu.
Arrange Tables - To tidy the Relations dialog, right-click any empty space in the dialog and select Arrange Tables. You can also click and drag tables to desired locations.
Add New Expressions - To add a new expression to the parent table, right-click on it and select New Expression.

Tip: The Relations command automatically creates an index for the related (child) table. To choose a named index when creating a relation in the Relations dialog, right-click and drag when creating the relation. When you release the mouse you will be prompted with a right-click menu from which you can choose whether to automatically relate the files or to relate them using an existing named index.