You are here: Commands > Relations > Relating Tables

Relating Tables

To relate two tables:

1. Open the parent table by clicking on it in the Overview or by dragging it from the Overview to the application workspace.
2. Click [Relations] on the button bar or select Data from the menu and choose Relations to display the Relations dialog.
3. Click [Add Table]. The Add Table dialog appears.
4. In the field list, select one or more tables to add to the Relations dialog and click [Add]. To select multiple tables, hold down the CTRL or SHIFT key while selecting tables.
5. Click [Close] to return to the Relations dialog.
6. From the parent table, click and drag the key field onto the key field in the child table.
7. An arrow appears, representing the new relationship.
8. Click [Finish] to close the Relations dialog.

Note: You can have more than one relation to the same table. To do this, add another instance of the table to the Relations dialog.