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Use the Profile command to provide summary statistics on one or more numeric fields in a table.

Profile provides the following information for numeric fields:

Total value
Absolute value
Minimum value
Maximum value

Profile is used primarily to determine minimum, maximum, absolute and total field values (as appropriate) before issuing the Stratify or Sample commands.

Note: If you want an overview of a file before detailed processing, the Statistics command provides more complete information.

After a field has been profiled, Analyzer knows its minimum and maximum values. These values are then used as defaults for the Minimum and Maximum parameters in the Stratify command. Similarly, Analyzer knows the absolute value of the field and uses this value as the default for the Population parameter in the Sample command.

If the Automatic Profile interface option is turned on, Analyzer automatically produces a profile of all the numeric fields in a file each time a new table is opened. The profiles can be Viewed in the Command Log. To turn this option on, select Tools from the menu and choose Options. Click the [Table Options] tab and select Automatically Profile on Open.


In addition to the parameter described below, the Profile command has the following command parameters: First, If, Next and While. For a description of these parameters, see Command Parameters.

Fields to Profile

Specifies the numeric fields to be profiled. Select the fields from the list box or click [Choose] to display the Selected Fields dialog. For more information, see Dialog Boxes.

Command Mode Syntax

PROFILE numeric-field-list

<IF test> <WHILE test> <FIRST|NEXT range>¿