You are here: Commands > Relations > Prerequisites for Relating Tables

Prerequisites for Relating Tables

The tables that you relate must each contain a common key field (can be a computed field) and must be defined within the same Analyzer Project. When working with table data on an Arbutus Server, all tables to be related and their indexes must reside on the same server. You cannot relate a table on the local drive to a table on the server.

Note: When using Analyzer to relate two or more IMS segment paths from the same IMS data base, if a PCB isn’t available for each segment path then the message "Insufficient PCB's for multiple path processing." is displayed and the command in progress is cancelled. For more information, see “The Arbutus zSeries Server Program Specification Block” in the Arbutus zSeries Server Installation Guide.

Before you can relate two tables, you must:

Make sure that each table has a common key field
Make sure that the key field in both tables are of the same generic type (numeric, character, or date). You cannot establish relations between key fields of different generic types (character and numeric, character and date or numeric and date).
Make sure that the key fields are normalized
Make sure that the key fields are the same length

Note: In command mode, you must index the related table on the key field before using the Relations command. See Command Mode Syntax.