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Reads the packed numeric field type generated by mainframes.

Packed refers to the mainframe packed numeric field type that stores two numeric digits per byte. The rightmost byte contains a sign indication in the lower half of the byte (usually HEX “C” for positive and HEX “D” for negative). The upper half of the rightmost byte and each half of all other bytes, contain one hexadecimal digit representing the numeric digit of that position in the number.

The length of this field type is a maximum of 12 bytes (23 digits); however, Analyzer generates an error message if it encounters a number larger than 22 digits. Consequently, when you define a packed numeric field in the Table Layout window, the number of decimals that you specify in the Format text box must not result in numbers longer than 22 digits. For example, if your data contains seven-digit figures, you cannot specify more than 15 decimal places (22 digits – 7 digits).

The packed numeric field type corresponds to the PL/1 fixed decimal and the COBOL computational‑3 data types.

Note: Although the IBM specification for this type of field indicates that signs of hex “B” and “D” represent negative values, almost all software uses only the “D” for negatives. Therefore, Analyzer treats “B” as positive for compatibility with some non-IBM hardware. If this causes a problem in your environment, contact Technical Support for assistance.

For more information on Unisys packed data, see Unisys.

Dates and Times in Packed Numeric Fields

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