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Reads byte-aligned Unisys/Burroughs packed data.

Unisys/Burroughs packed fields, unlike IBM packed fields, have the sign on the left instead of the right. The Unisys field type refers to the Unisys/Burroughs mainframe packed field type that stores two decimal digits per byte. This field type is not printable.

The left most byte of the field contains a sign indication in the upper half of the byte, which is usually hexadecimal “C” or “F” for positive and hexadecimal “D” for negative. Each half of all other bytes contains one hex digit that is the value of the number in that position.

The length of this field type is a maximum of 12 bytes, but Analyzer generates an error message if a number larger than 22 digits is encountered. The number of decimals is the implied number of decimal digits and cannot exceed the number of digits implied by the length.

Unsigned packed Unisys data should be specified as unsigned because its format is the same as IBM.

Note: Unisys computers support half-byte aligned data and half-byte length data, but the Unisys field type is incompatible with them. To read such data, use the halfbyte field type as described in Halfbyte.