You are here: Commands > Open


Use the Open command to open a table layout or to associate data with a table layout.

Note: For flat file or VSAM data residing on the Arbutus zSeries Server, the Open command supports Input User Exits. For more information see Input User Exits


You can open a table layout through the Overview or on the command line. Analyzer closes any existing table layout before opening a new one. For more information, see Overview.


The Open command has the following command parameters:


Specifies the table layout (as displayed in the Overview) to be associated with the data file you specify.


Indicates that a secondary file, rather than the primary file is to be opened. You cannot specify Secondary in conjunction with Index or Tape.

Default: Primary


Indicates that an ASCII text file with variable length records is to be read.

Default: Fixed Record Length


Indicates that a number of bytes are to be skipped (bypassed) at the physical start of the file. This can be used to ignore headers at the top of the file. It is remembered in the table layout if used. To reset use a zero value.

Default: 0


Specifies a unique ID for a table and MUST be used if you intend to open more than one primary table at a time. If the parameter is not specified the Table ID defaults to zero. When opening a table, if a table with the same ID is already open then it is closed first.

Note: Note: You can have the same primary table open more than once, each with its own record position, filter, index etc., but you MUST assign each open version of the table a different ID.

Command Mode Syntax

OPEN table


OPEN data-file FORMAT table

• table is the name of an existing table layout
• data-file is the data file to be associated with the existing table layout specified by the FORMAT parameter. Analyzer assumes a data file extension of .fil if no extension is specified. To open a data file with no extension, insert a period (.) at the end of the data file name.

You can add the following options to either syntax:



To open an accounts receivable table layout named Ar:

• Click on the Ar table layout in the Overview, or
• Type Open Ar on the command line in the Command Log and then click [Accept Entry].

To open the table layout named Ar and associate it with a new data file named Cutoff.fil, follow these steps:

1. In the Overview, right-click the Ar table layout and select “Link to new Table Data”.
2. Analyzer displays the Select File Location dialog. You are prompted to specify whether the file is local or on an Arbutus Server (specifying the correct server profile). Choose Local and click [OK].
3. Analyzer displays the Select File... dialog. Browse to locate the Cutoff.fil file and then double-click it to link it to the Ar table layout.
4. Click the Ar table layout in the Overview to open the Ar table and display the newly linked data in the View.