You are here: A Quick Tour of Analyzer > Application Screen > Overview


The Overview pane gives you a graphic View of your Analyzer Project. It displays all of the Procedures, Tables, Views, Workspaces and Indexes related to the Project.

Note: By default, any Project item or folder named with a trailing underscore (_) character will be hidden from display in the Overview. Hidden project items will be displayed in all relevant selection or edit dialogs from the main menu. To display hidden project items in the Overview, see Show Hidden Overview Items.

You can use the Overview to access all the components of an Analyzer Project including Command Logs. It lets you switch between Table Layouts, Views and Command Logs, run procedures and perform many project management tasks using drag-and-drop or point-and-click shortcuts.

You can create additional project folders (including shared folders) in the Overview for the current Analyzer Project to aggregate related project items. Folders and project items can be easily dragged and dropped into other folders in order to group them together appropriately.

Note: Project items must have unique names, including those contained in project or shared folders. If more than one project item exists with the same name, the first project item encountered is deemed to be valid, all others are displayed with a red X in their project item icon and an exclamation point at the beginning of their item name. Project items with an exclamation point in their names cannot be deleted or opened until the naming conflict is resolved. See your data administrator or call Arbutus Technical Support for help in correcting naming conflicts.

Note: Server project items using an invalid server profile are displayed with a red “X” in their project item icon. These items cannot be opened until a valid server profile is applied.

Note: Project items with a trailing underscore are hidden from display in the Overview window but can still be referenced in command dialogs and menu choices.

To open a project item, you can either:

Click the name of a project item
Right-click the name of a project item and select Open

Overview Right-Click Options

Right-click on project items or folders in the Overview to perform many project tasks.

Activate - right-click on a workspace to activate selected workspace
Close - right-click on an open project item to close it (except Command Logs)
Close All - right-click on an open table layout to close multiple open primary table layouts
Copy from Another Project - right-click on project folder then select item type (Procedure, Table, Workspace or View) to import existing project items (use the CTRL and SHIFT keys to import multiple project items at a time) from another project.
Delete - right-click on a closed project item or a folder to delete it.

Note: When deleting table layouts, by default the underlying data file will also be deleted if it was created using an Analyzer command. Analyzer will always prompt when this occurs and provide a check box that can be unchecked to avoid deletion of the underlying data file

Delete - right clicking on a scheduled procedure or a related scheduled log in a shared folder on an Arbutus Windows Server offers three options for deletions:
Delete - will delete the selected procedure or scheduled log
Delete All Logs - will delete all scheduled logs for the chosen scheduled procedure
Delete Green Logs - will delete only successful green scheduled logs for the chosen scheduled procedure
Duplicate -right-click on a project item to duplicate it. Especially useful for duplicating an existing View in order to make specific changes.
Find - right-click on project folder then select Find to open the Find dialog in Overview. Enter the project item name and click Find to locate first project item with the specified name. Click Find Next to find the next project item with specified name
Link To New Table Data - right-click on a closed table layout to link it to new intermediate or source data
New - right-click on project folder then select item type (Procedure, Table, Workspace or Folder) to create a new project item
Open - right-click on a project item to open an existing item or edit it (procedures and workspaces only)
Open Additional - right-click on table to open as an additional table without closing current table. Active View tab is the active table being processed.
Use with Current Table - right-click on a View from another table to select it for use. Errors will result if View fields do not match new table. Will always work correctly for new tables created using Extract Record command from same source. The chosen View will be opened and will be automatically duplicated for the current table.

Note: Closing View and discarding changes leaves View attached to original table layout. Closing View and saving changes attaches View to new table layout.

Properties - right-click on a closed project item to View item properties and enter item notes
Refresh From Source - right-click on a closed table layout to refresh table data from ODBC or Report source
Rename - right-click on a closed project item or a folder to rename it
Run - right-click on a procedure to run selected procedure
Schedule - only available for procedures stored in a Shared Folder on an Arbutus Windows Server. Launches the procedure Scheduler
Set As Default- right-click on project folder to specify default output folder for project items created using subsequent Analyzer commands. The folder set as default appears open in Overview but is only maintained for current session. However, if a table layout is subsequently opened then the default folder is automatically reset to the current folder containing the opened table layout
Update Folder Contents - right-click on a shared folder to update the list of shared project items

Expanded Overview

The Overview pane can be expanded or contracted by clicking the Expand arrow on the top right of the Overview title bar. Clicking the arrow expands (or contracts) the Overview to reveal an additional column displaying all project items contained in the chosen folder (or root) contents.

Options in the expanded Overview window include:

A Show All check box to show full attributes for each displayed project item
Right-click options to delete or rename project item(s)
Ability to hold SHIFT key to highlight a contiguous list of project items, or to hold the CTRL key to individually select project items by single clicking each item with the mouse.