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Notify Options

Notify Options let you configure how Analyzer's Notify command interacts with your e-mail system.


Specifies your user name for a local system or your e-mail address for an SMTP mail server.

A secondary sender can also be specified (it must be separated from the primary sender by a comma with no extra spaces) when specifying an optional secondary SMTP mail server.


Specifies your password for local e-mails.

Note: The saved password is encrypted and stored in the user's local machine registry.


Specifies the port to be used by the SMTP mail server. By default Analyzer assumes that port 587 is used. This value can be changed if your SMTP mail server uses a different port (for example, port 25 is also commonly used).

Primary SMTP Server

Specifies the primary SMTP mail server.

Secondary SMTP Server

Specifies the optional secondary SMTP mail server.

As mail servers may fail on occasion, the Notify command allows manual specification of an optional secondary SMTP mail server should the primary SMTP mail server fail. These secondary SMTP mail servers are referred to as fail-over mail servers.

Use of a secondary SMTP (fail-over) mail server also requires that a valid sender is manually provided for the specified server. Senders should be listed in the same order as the primary and secondary SMTP mail servers are listed.

Note: When specifying fail-over mail servers, the intended sender for each mail server should be tested to ensure it is valid.

Should the primary mail server fail, the Notify command will attempt to use the secondary (fail-over) mail server with the specified secondary sender.

Specifying Multiple Secondary SMTP Servers (Command Mode Only)

In command mode only (on the command line or in a procedure), the Notify command can be used to specify multiple secondary SMTP (fail-over) mail servers.

Use of multiple secondary SMTP (fail-over) mail servers also requires that a valid sender is manually provided for each specified server (unless one sender is valid for all specified mail servers). Senders should be listed in the same order as the primary and secondary SMTP (fail-over) mail servers are listed.

Note: When specifying fail-over mail servers, the intended sender for each mail server should be tested to ensure it is valid.

Should the primary SMTP mail server fail, the Notify command will attempt to use the secondary SMTP (fail-over) mail servers in the order listed, until the email can be sent or the last fail-over server fails.

For specific examples of using command syntax to specify multiple secondary SMTP (fail-over) mail servers with either single or multiple senders, see Notify.