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Use Notify to send file or procedure information in the form of a message or an attachment to local or remote e-mail addresses. You can send the message to more than one person provided your e-mail system supports multiple recipients.

Notify uses the SMTP protocol but does not support an SSL connection. Notify is a send only utility and is not intended for use as a full-scale mail system.

Note: If you are using a Microsoft e-mail application, ensure that your e-mail application is running before you start the procedure. Otherwise, a Windows message appears, prompting you to choose an e-mail profile. This prompt can cause the procedure to hang.

Setting up E-mail Server Information

Before using the Notify command, you should set up your default e-mail server information within the Notify tab of the Tools/Options dialog:

Primary SMTP mail server
Optional Secondary SMTP mail (fail-over) server

If this information is pre-specified within the Notify options tab, it will then be used to automatically populate the relevant dialog information whenever the Notify command dialog is opened. For more detailed information see Notify Options.


The Notify command has the following command parameters:


Specifies your user name for a local system or your e-mail address for an SMTP mail server. Multiple senders can be specified separated by commas when specifying multiple mail servers.

Note: This value will be auto-populated if a Sender has been specified in the Notify Options. The auto-populated value can be manually overwritten in the Notify command dialog.


Specifies your password for local e-mails.

Note: This value will be auto-populated if a Password has been specified in the Notify Options. The auto-populated value can be manually overwritten in the Notify command dialog.

SMTP Server [Mailbox]

Specifies a path to a primary SMTP mail server name. Manually, additional secondary SMTP (fail-over) mail servers can be specified, separated by commas. The secondary SMTP (fail-over) mail server will only be used should the primary SMTP mail server fail.

Note: The primary SMTP mail server will be auto-populated if an SMTP Server has been specified in the Notify Options. The auto-populated value can be manually overwritten in the Notify command dialog.

Note: A secondary SMTP (fail-over) mail server can also be specified in the Notify Options.


Specifies the port to be used by the SMTP mail server- by default Analyzer assumes that port 587 is used. This value can be changed if your SMTP mail server uses a different port (for example, port 25 is also commonly used)

Note: This value will be auto-populated if a Port has been specified in the Notify Options. The auto-populated value can be manually overwritten in the Notify command dialog.

To [Address]

For local or remote e-mail recipients, specifies the names or addresses of local e-mail recipients. Use commas to separate the names or addresses of multiple recipients.

Note: For remote e-mails recipients, specify the SMTP server in the STMP Server text box.


Specifies the names of blind carbon copy recipients for local e-mails and the e-mail addresses of recipients for remote e-mails.


Specifies the names of carbon copy recipients for local e-mails and the e-mail addresses of recipients for remote e-mails.


Specifies the text of the subject line.

Text [Message]

Specifies the text of the message.


Specifies the path and file name of an attachment. Click [Browse] to open the Select File dialog. Multiple attachments can be sent (separated by commas only - no spaces) - use the Browse button to launch a Select File dialog, then use CTRL-click or Shift-click to choose multiple attachments (provided the attachments are in the same folder).

Specifying Secondary (Fail-Over) Mail Servers

As mail servers may fail on occasion, the Notify command allows manual specification of one or more secondary SMTP (fail-over) mail servers should the primary SMTP mail server fail. This also requires that a valid sender is manually provided for each specified mail server (unless one sender is valid for all specified mail servers). Senders should be listed in the same order as the SMTP mail servers are listed.

When specifying secondary SMTP (fail-over) mail servers, the intended sender for each secondary SMTP (fail-over) mail server should be tested to ensure it is valid.

Should the primary SMTP mail server fail, the Notify command will attempt to use the secondary (fail-over) STMP mail servers in the order listed, until the email can be sent or the last secondary SMTP (fail-over) server fails.

See examples below for specific details.

Command Mode Syntax

NOTIFY SENDER "sender_email" <PASSWORD "xxxx">

MAILBOX "pathname"

PORT "port_number"

ADDRESS "recipient"

<CC "cc-recipient"> <BCC "bcc-recipient">

<SUBJECT "subject">

<MESSAGE "message">

<ATTACHMENT "file_and_pathname,...">¿


Notify Command Syntax - Standard

An example of the syntax for a standard Notify command:


ADDRESS "" SUBJECT "Test from Analyzer"


Notify Command Syntax - Multiple Attachments

An example of the syntax for a Notify command with multiple attachments (command mode only):


PASSWORD "XY30D69A1420D5C98B7DB6779E307C2B166025A8D3564799ECFCEEDC2134BF85"


PORT 587

SUBJECT "Test from Analyzer" MESSAGE "Test"

ATTACHMENT "C:\Data\Excel_V1.xls,C:\Data\Excel_V2.xls"¿

Note: The attachment list must be entered without extra spaces, with commas separating each attachment, and with double quotes surrounding the full attachment list. Spaces that are pat of the path or file name are valid, but no extra spaces can be added.

Notify Command Syntax - Single Sender, Multiple Secondary (Fail-Over) Mail Servers

An example of the syntax for a Notify command with one valid sender and multiple secondary SMTP (fail-over) mail servers:



ADDRESS "" SUBJECT "Test from Analyzer" MESSAGE "Test"¿

In the example above, only one sender was specified, but that sender is valid for all specified SMTP mail servers. Note that the primary SMTP mail server is listed first, followed by the list of secondary SMTP (fail-over) servers in the order they should be attempted. Should the primary SMTP mail server fail, then Notify will attempt to send the e-mail with the same sender using the specified secondary SMTP (fail-over) servers, in the order they are listed.

Notify Command Syntax - Multiple Senders, Multiple Secondary (Fail-Over) Mail Servers

An example of the syntax for a Notify command with multiple senders for multiple secondary SMTP (fail-over) mail servers:



ADDRESS "" SUBJECT "Test from Analyzer" MESSAGE "Test"¿

In this example, a valid sender is provided for each SMTP mail server. Should the primary SMTP mail server fail, then Notify will attempt to send the e-mail using each of the specified secondary SMTP (fail-over) mail servers (in turn) with the corresponding valid sender, in the order they are listed. This means that the senders should be listed in the same order as the corresponding SMTP mail servers.