You are here: Analyzer Concepts > Single File Operations > Isolating Data: Search, Extract, and Export

Isolating Data: Search, Extract, and Export

These commands give you various ways of isolating data.


With the Search command, you can find:

A specified record number (Locate Record)
The first record in a file meeting a specified condition (Locate If)
The first record in an indexed file that either meets or exceeds a specified value, in which that value is a character string or a character-type expression that may include references to fields or variables (Find Literal or Seek Expression)

Analyzer notifies you in the Command Log that the record has been found. You can choose to perform calculations on it or compare it to another record.

You can use Search with indexed files. However, you may not find all of the data if the index is conditional because conditional indexes exclude certain records when in effect.

For more information on the Search command see Search.


Extract lets you copy selected data from the current file to another file with an .fil extension.

You can extract specified records from a data file, including any data stored in undefined areas of the record. You can also extract specified fields from a record to file.

There are several reasons to use the Extract command to create a subset of an original file:

To isolate unusual items in a separate file for further analysis
To create computed fields to clean data and then extract this data to a new file
To easily append data from two files by extracting the data from each into a file having the same name

For more information on the Extract command see Extract.


The Export command lets you use Analyzer as a data conversion tool.

Export lets you copy selected data from the current file to another file in one of several file formats:

Windows clipboard for pasting into other Windows applications
Microsoft Excel [XLSX, XLS or XLS21]
Microsoft Access
Plain text
Comma Delimited text
Tab Delimited
ODBC - export using ODBC drivers on your local machine or on a connected Arbutus Windows Server.

Export has a number of common applications, including:

Exporting data to the Windows clipboard for use in reports or presentations
Exporting data for use in another application that provides different reporting functionality from Analyzer

For more information on the Export command see Export.