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Importing a View

You can import a View from another project or duplicate an existing View. This is useful when tables contain commonly named columns and require the same presentation or reporting attributes.

To import a View:

1. Open the table layout the imported View will be associated with.
2. Right-click on the Analyzer Project title or a project folder and in the Overview and select “Import”
3. Analyzer displays the Project dialog.
4. Browse to locate the View to be imported, then select the View and click [OK].
5. Analyzer imports the View into your current Project and associates it with the currently open table layout. If a View of the same name already exists for the open table layout, the imported View name will be numbered to differentiate it (typically with a “2”). For example, if a View called “AR.avw” already exists for the open AR table layout, importing a View called “AR.avw” would result in the imported View being renamed “AR2.avw”.

Note: If any of the columns in the View refer to fields that do not exist in the open table, an alert is displayed and the columns are excluded from display in the View.

To duplicate an existing View, see Duplicating a View.