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Exploring an Arbutus Windows Server

From the Server menu, users can browse any accessible Arbutus Windows Server files/folders and, via right-click, can create new folders, delete, or rename items (files/folders). The user must have the required permissions (read/write access) to browse and make changes.

Users can also copy files from local, transfer files to local, and open a file in Notepad.

To browse an Arbutus Windows Server, click the Server menu and select Explore. In the Explore dialog, click to highlight the desired server profile and then click the [Explore] button. This will connect the user to the selected Arbutus Windows Server.

A standard Windows Explorer dialog appears. Navigate to the desired folder and right-click to delete/copy/rename files and to delete existing or create new folders. Filter file types by selecting the “Files of Type” pull-down menu or type a file name (including wildcard) in the “File” text box.