You are here: Defining Files and Fields > Defining Print Image (Report) File Data > Defining Records

Defining Records

By defining records in your data, you provide Analyzer the information required to locate all occurrences of those records within your print image file.

To indicate the extent of the record, you need to identify an element that is unique to the data in a specific location. You also need to specify whether the record you are defining is a Detail, Header or Footer record.

Note: Your data must include only one Detail record, but can include more than one Header or Footer record.

Follow these steps to define a record:

1. In the Print Image File Definition panel, select an element of the data which represents a unique attribute in the record in which your defined field resides.
Your selection must be close to, but not necessarily within, the same line as your field. Consider using punctuation or formatting in your data.
2. Once you have made your selection, Analyzer displays the Record Definition dialog. The selected text appears as part of the default filter criteria.
3. You can further refine the filter criteria by adding expressions. Selecting And or, Insert Criteria or New Group from the Logic pull-down list lets you further refine the unique attributes of the record. For more information, see Filter Criteria.
4. Specify the type of record by selecting Detail, Header, or Footer. If there are Detail records in your data, the Header option is selected by default. A default record name is provided in the Record Name edit box.
5. Select the Transparent checkbox to prevent a Header or Footer record from splitting a Detail record.
6. Click [OK] to exit the Record Definition dialog. Analyzer displays the Print Image File Definition panel with your specified filter criteria. All occurrences of the record are highlighted.
7. Continue defining the remaining fields within the record. Follow the procedure described in Defining Fields.

Filter Criteria

The Record Definition dialog lets you create expressions which can be used to determine which part of the data is included in your records. Choose from the following criteria to build your expression:

“Include or Exclude” pull-down list for specifying whether to include records with supplied criteria or to exclude them
“Match On” pull-down list for choosing the matching criteria
“Text” edit box for entering search text or a custom map
“Line” and “Start or Range” edit boxes for entering the relative line number and the start position or single contiguous range to be searched

You can add new criteria by making a selection from the Logic pull-down list. Only the last set of criteria can and must contain an End statement. You may need to verify the Lines in Record as you add expressions.

Match On Pull-Down Menu

The Match On pull-down list lets you specify the following criteria:

“Exact Match” to search for an exact match of the specified text in the specified line and start position (not range). Equivalent to the TEST() function.
“Alpha” to search for alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z) in a specified line and range.
“Numeric” to search for Numeric characters (0-9) in a specified line and range.
“Blank” to search for blanks in specified line and range.
“Non-Blank” to search for any characters that are not blank in the specified line and range.
“Find in Line” to search for specified text anywhere in specified line. Equivalent to using the FIND() function on an entire record.
“Find in Range” to search for specified text in specified line and range. Ranges are indicated as m:n where m is the lower bound and n is the contiguous upper bound within the same relative line. Equivalent to using the FIND() function within a field.
“Custom Map” to search for the mapping criteria in the Text box in the specified line and starting position (not range). Equivalent to the MAP() function.

Logic Pull-Down Menu

The Logic pull-down list lets you end your filter criteria or add another expression to it. Choose from the following:

“And” to indicate that both the current and the following expressions must evaluate to true. If you select And, Analyzer adds a new line to the dialog. You can specify another unique attribute by selecting text in the Print Image File Definition panel or by entering text directly in the Text box
“Or” to indicate that either the current or the following expression must evaluate to true. If you select Or, Analyzer adds a new line to the dialog. You can specify another unique attribute by selecting text in the Print Image File Definition panel or by entering text directly in the Text box
“Insert Criteria” to insert a new expression. If you select Insert Criteria, Analyzer adds a new line to the dialog. You can specify another unique attribute by selecting text in the Print Image File Definition panel or by entering text directly in the Text box
“Delete Criteria” to remove the current expression
“New Group” to indicate that a group of criteria is to be specified. If you select New Group, Analyzer adds an And/Or statement and a new line to the dialog. The default logic for the new group is Or, but you can change it to And. You can specify another unique attribute by selecting text in the Print Image File Definition panel or by entering text directly in the Text box.
“End” to terminate the filter criteria specification. Only the last expression can and must contain an End statement.