You are here: Defining Files and Fields > Defining Data on the Arbutus zSeries Server > Defining Flat, VSAM or ISAM Files

Defining Flat, VSAM or ISAM Files

To define a flat, VSAM or ISAM file, select the Flat File or VSAM radio button on the Select Server Data Source panel and click [Next].

1. Click [Browse] to launch the Select File to Define dialog to locate the data set you want to open. The default value for the Look in box is the prefix provided in your Server Profile. You can edit this value, enter a fully qualified data set name or any number of high level qualifiers.
2. Select the name of the data set you want to open and click [Open]. Use the “Files of Type” text field to limit the list of data set names.
3. Click [Next]. From this point, defining a flat, VSAM or ISAM file follows the same process for defining a standard file format starting with File Format - Arbutus zSeries and iSeries Server Data.

Note: When defining the table layout for a variable length record file, the Wizard will set the maximum record length to the longest record encountered in the data being analyzed, plus an additional 50 bytes. While this estimate is generally accurate, it is possible that a longer record may exist in the file past the data that being analyzed. It is a good idea to verify that the maximum record length set by the wizard will accommodate the longest possible record that may be encountered.