You are here: Building Expressions > Dates and Times > Dates


Analyzer automatically recognizes most readable date information as a DateTime field with an appropriate data format when you define a table using the Data Definition Wizard. See Date Formats for additional information on specifying date formats for interpreting DateTime fields.

Internally Analyzer works with dates in the format YYYYMMDD, but lets you display dates in Views and reports in any format you want. For information about changing how Analyzer displays dates, see Date Display Format .

Analyzer’s Data Definition Wizard cannot automatically detect dates stored as serial numbers or in compressed numeric formats. Analyzer correctly interprets serial or compressed numeric dates as the appropriate type of numeric field. You need to manually edit the table layout to have Analyzer treat this data as date information. See Serial Dates for information about working with serial dates and see Dates and Times in Compressed Numeric Fields for more information about converting compressed numeric fields into dates.