You are here: Arbutus Servers > Connecting to Arbutus Servers > Connecting and Disconnecting

Connecting and Disconnecting

You can connect or disconnect from an Arbutus Server, manually or automatically.

Connecting Manually

There is only one way to connect to an Arbutus Server manually:

1. Select Server from the menu and choose Connect. The Profiles dialog is displayed.
2. Select the appropriate server profile from the Profile Name pull-down list (if you have more than one).
3. Click the [Connect] button. If you did not save a password with your server profile, you are prompted to enter a password now.
4. The Server Activity log is displayed, which lets you monitor the progress of your connection. Once the connection is made, the Server Activity log closes and Analyzer shows the connection status in the lower left corner of the Profiles dialog.

Note: Try a manual connection now to ensure that all settings have been entered correctly and that all is working properly. Check to see that the Connection status is displaying Connected.

Note: If you encounter errors while testing your connection, please refer to the "Troubleshooting Connection Problems" section later in this chapter. While most connection problems are simple to resolve, some assistance may be required from your mainframe support person.

Disconnecting Manually

Disconnecting from an Arbutus Server closes the connection.

There are two ways to manually disconnect from a server:

choosing Disconnect from the Server menu
clicking the [Disconnect] button using the Profiles dialog

To Disconnect Using the Server Menu

1. Select Server from the menu and choose Disconnect. The Disconnect dialog is displayed, showing all the active server connections.
2. Select the name of the active server and click the [Disconnect] button.
3. Alternatively, click the [Disconnect All] button to close all active server connections

To Disconnect Using the Profiles Dialog

1. Select Server from the menu and choose Profiles. The Profiles dialog is displayed.
2. Select the name of an active server from the Profile Name drop-down list. This list displays all server profiles, not just the active ones. The connection status of the selected server is displayed in the lower left-hand corner of the dialog.
3. Click the [Disconnect] button.

Connecting Automatically

Analyzer automatically connects to an Arbutus Server when you:

Open a table layout linked to a file on a server
Link a table layout to a file on a server
Define a new table layout from server data using the Data Definition Wizard

Connecting Using Server Profile Variables

User ID and Password variables are also provided to override the values specified in the server profile and prevent prompting when connecting to Arbutus Servers from external applications.

The variables, ASI_PROFILE_USER and ASI_PROFILE_PW, can be set by an external application interacting with Analyzer via an ODBC connection string or set manually within Analyzer on the command line or in a procedure. The variables must be established prior to connecting to an Arbutus Server using an existing server profile.

The following rules govern the use of these variables with an existing server profile:

If the server profile contains both a User ID and Password, then the variables are not used, even if they exist
If either the User ID or Password is missing (blank) in the server profile then the values specified in these variables will be used, even if this overrides a stored (non-blank) User ID or Password in the server profile.
If either the User ID or Password is missing from the server profile and there are no variables specified to supply the values, then the end user will be presented with the standard connection dialog for providing the missing User ID and/or Password.

Disconnecting Automatically

Analyzer automatically disconnects from an Arbutus Server when:

You close and exit Analyzer
Communications fail for any reason
A server timeout occurs