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Command Parameters and Field Modifiers

Command parameters allow you to alter the way a command processes data while field modifiers allow you to alter the way in which fields are processed or outputted.You can specify all parameters and modifiers through command mode and in many cases within a command, field, or column dialog.

Command Parameters

Command parameters limit the execution of a command or procedure or the processing of data by a command. Common command parameters include Append, First, If, Next, Open and While.

Command-specific parameters are described under each command in Commands. Parameters which are common to several commands are described in Command Parameters.

Field Modifiers

Field modifiers determine how fields are displayed or printed. Some field modifiers can be used in any context, while others are limited to certain commands. Field modifiers entered in the command line are effective only for the specified command.

A field modifier must immediately follow the expression or field to which it applies. More than one modifier can be specified for a single expression and the order in which they are specified is not important.

Field modifiers are described in Field Modifiers.

Note: The effects of field modifiers apply only to the results of the command with which they are used. Modifiers do not change any of the field attributes as they appear in the table layout.

Field modifiers include As, Descending, Nodups, Nozeros, Page, Picture, Suppress and Width.