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Command Mode Syntax

EXPORT <FIELDS> <field-list|ALL> TO file‑name <TABLE name>

<LOCAL|SERVER {profile-name|""}>

<IF test> <WHILE test> <FIRST|NEXT range>

<PRESORT field-list>



DELIMITED <SEPARATOR ","> <QUALIFIER '"'> <ODBC data-source|driver>}


Note: The “APPEND” key word is only valid when exporting to plain TEXT and DELIMITED file types as well as ODBC exports.

Note: The "APPEND" option will automatically suppress inclusion of additional header information when exporting to Delimited files types (essentially only one header line will appear at the top of the delimited file).

Note: For importing delimited files, the "QUALIFIER" key word is only valid when used on the command line (not the GUI).

Note: For importing relational data sources, the "QUALIFIER" key word can be used on the command line to specify an alternate Schema name - e.g. EXPORT FIELDS ALL ODBC "Oracle" QUALIFIER "HR" TO "Default" TABLE "EMPLOYEES"

Note: The ““ following the keyword SERVER implies the current Arbutus Windows Server. This alleviates the need to specify the specific server profile name when exporting server based data to the same Arbutus Windows Server.

Note: The LOTUS qualifier is only available from the command line.

Note: The OPENXML keyword denotes an alternate XLSX export that is performed using OPENXML which does not require 32-Bit Excel ODBC drivers.