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Command Log

The Command Log is like a flight recorder, keeping a record of your activities in Analyzer. It records every command issued with its result and protects you from accidentally losing the results of your analysis.

The Command Log leaves you free to perform investigative and what-if analysis without having to constantly save or print out your analysis. It keeps track of your work so you can always retrace your steps and repeat earlier results. It also provides an excellent resource for the documentation and reports you will need to generate at the conclusion of your work.

Commands in the Command Log are prefixed by the @ symbol.

Tabular results for many commands allow you to click on any of the underlined “hyper-linked” elements to present a View of the specific records that make up the chosen category.

For more information about using the Command Log, see Command Log.

Command Log Right-Click Options

You can right-click in the Command Log to perform many management tasks. Right-click options include:

• Clear Log - clear all or selected portions of the Command Log
• Commands And Results - display all commands issued and their results. Screen output for the Age, Benford, Classify, Crosstab and Stratify commands are displayed in a table format with hyperlink drill down
• Commands Only - display only commands issued
• Copy - copy text (for use within Analyzer such as a procedure, or to move results out to another application such as MS Word).
• Cut - available for command line only, allows text to be cut and pasted into command line
• Delete - available for command line only, allows deletion of text
• Find - locate text in the Command Log
• Insert - available for command line only, allows insertion of a existing fields and project items, as well as expressions and date literals when cursor is placed on command line. Alternatively, when the cursor is on the command line you can hit the F2 key (insert fields), the F4 key (insert project items) or the F8 key (to use the date selector).
• Last Result - display only the result for the last command issued. Screen output for the Age, Benford, Classify, Crosstab and Stratify commands are displayed in a table format with hyperlink drill down on data points
• Paste - available for command line only, allows copied text to be pasted in command line
• Save To HTML - save entire Command Log contents or just selected results to an HTML file. Right-clicking in Log without selection copies entire Log contents, while highlighting section and then righ-clicking in Log only copies highlighted section.
• Undo - available for command line only, allows undo of last edit on command line

These are the buttons you will use in the Command Log on the Command Line:

• Accept Entry - apply entry made to command line
• Clear Entry - cancel entry made to command line
• Edit Command - display command dialog for selected command on command line. Clicking on a command in the Command Log will place it on the command line for editing or to re-run the command.