You are here: Commands > Close


The Close command closes an open table, similar to right-clicking on the open table layout in the Overview and selecting close.

The Close command can also be used to disconnect a specified Arbutus Server connection.

This command can be issued only from the command line. For more information, see Issuing Commands.

You do not have to close a table before opening another. Analyzer automatically closes an open table before opening a new one. The table to be closed may be described by type (primary or secondary) or by name. If no parameter is specified, the active primary table is closed. If you are closing a primary or secondary table, Analyzer removes all corresponding field definitions from the current environment. Any changes to record definitions are saved before closing.

Note: The Close command will not close an Analyzer project. Use the Quit command close your Analyzer project and exit Analyzer. The Quit command automatically closes the currently open table(s) before closing Analyzer.

If you have defined relationships in your Analyzer Project, the Close command will close both the primary and any secondary tables, in addition to the related tables.

Command Mode Syntax

CLOSE {table_layout}


CLOSE CONNECTION server_profile_name


• PRIMARY closes the active primary file.
• PRIMARY ALL closes all primary files.
• SECONDARY closes the secondary file.
• INDEX closes the current index.
• LOG returns the log file to the default.
• TABLE n closes the currently open primary file with the specified table ID. If the specified primary table ID is not found then no action will be taken. If the selected ID is the currently active primary file, then the next table in the table ID list will be made the active primary table.

Note: Concurrently open primary tables are stored in a “least recently used” order, so when this command causes a switch in the currently active Primary table, it will switch to the most recently used currently open primary table. For more information on concurrently opening more than one primary table see Open.


To close an open accounts receivable primary file named AR from the Command Log without opening a different file, enter:


To close all open primary files, enter:


To close the open secondary file, enter: