You are here: Commands > Activate


The Activate command makes workspace field definitions temporarily available to a currently open table layout. Once a workspace is activated, its field definitions are available for the current session only.

For more information on creating and using workspaces, see Save and Workspaces.

You can activate a workspace through the Overview or from the command line. For more information on activating workspaces from the Overview, see Overview.


The Activate command has the following command parameters:


Indicates that a field in the table with an identical name to one in the activated workspace is to be overwritten without confirmation. A field can not be replaced if it is referenced by a computed field.

Default: Confirmation before replacing field.


Indicates that the workspace is to be activated for the currently open secondary table.


Indicates that a workspace is to be activated.

Command Mode Syntax


workspace-name specifies the name of the workspace you want to activate for your current Project.


The following example uses Activate to activate a workspace named Inventory_Workspace containing computed fields that assign the city names based on the location code in the currently open Inventory table and calculates the market value for items on hand in an inventory file.

To activate the workspace, using the Activate command.

1. Open the desired table.
2. Enter the following on the command line in the Command Log or in a procedure: