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Reads numeric ASCII or EBCDIC data of field type zoned decimal (IBM) or PIC S9(n) (COBOL). In other words, it reads any zoned data, including that generated by DEC, Honeywell and IBM machines.

ZONED refers to mainframe zoned numeric fields, one digit per byte, either encoded in ASCII or EBCDIC. Leading zeros must be retained. The upper half of the rightmost byte of the field includes the minus sign. The maximum length of a zoned field is 22 bytes.

The IBM zoned decimal field type and COBOL field type PIC S9(n) are commonly displayed as a number of digits followed by a letter indicating the sign.

The zoned field type supports DEC DIBOL field types, in which a lowercase letter between “p” and “y” indicates negative values. Analyzer automatically detects and adjusts for zoned fields conforming to the IBM, Honeywell and DEC formats.