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A workspace is a set of field definitions that have been saved for reuse with other tables. When a workspace is activated, the fields within it are available to the currently open table layout. Workspaces let you maintain and reuse definitions of physical fields, computed fields or filters. This saves having to define field definitions or expressions more than once.

Tip: An alternative to using Workspaces is to simply Copy and Paste fields directly from the Edit Fields/Expressions list view from one table layout to another. For more information see Right-Click Options in the Edit Fields/Expressions List View. However, for computed field definitions, this creates multiple instances of the computed field definition that needs to be maintained versus only one instance if using a Workspace.

For workspaces to be shared, table layouts must contain fields of the same type, with the same names. For example, you might want to associate a workspace with successive files of a given type, such as accounts receivable files from different periods or from different divisions of the same company.

If you are working with multiple-record-type files, you can store the definition for each record type in a separate workspace. You can select the appropriate workspace to process records of a specific type.

For more information on Workspaces see Workspaces.