You are here: Functions > WORKDAY()


WORKDAY() returns the number of work days between two date values (inclusive of the specified start and end dates).

Use WORKDAY() to calculate the number of work days in a specified date range. The function can be customized to reflect the local work schedule as necessary.

Statutory holidays are included in the work days total and may need to be factored out using a separate calculation (i.e. a conditional computed field).

A negative return value indicates that the specified start date is more recent than the specified end date.

Function Format

WORKDAY(start_date, end_date <,"non_work_days">)

start_date - specifies the start date of the period for which workdays are calculated. The start date is included in the date period
end_date - specifies the end date of the period for which workdays are calculated. The end date is included in the date period
non_work_days - optional parameter surrounded in quotes that is used to specify which days of the week are weekend days, or non-work days, and excludes them from the calculation. If this parameter is omitted, Saturday and Sunday are deemed to be the default non-work days. Use this parameter to customize the work days for the local work schedule. To enter non-work days, use the following abbreviations separated by a space or a comma: MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN. These abbreviations are not case-sensitive and must be entered in English for all language versions of Analyzer.

Note: Acceptable dates are in the range January 1, 1900 to December 31, 9999.


Using a start date of August 4, 2016 and an end date of August 17, 2016:

WORKDAY(‘20160804‘,‘20160817‘) = 10

Using a start date of August 4, 2016 and an end date of August 17, 2016 and specifying a non-work day of SAT (i.e. creating a 6 day work week):

WORKDAY(‘20160804‘,‘20160817‘, "SAT") = 12

Using a start date of August 4, 2016 and an end date of August 17, 2016 and specifying non-work days of MON, TUE, and WED (i.e. creating a 4 day work week):

WORKDAY(‘20160804‘,‘20160817‘, "MON, TUE, WED") = 8