You are here: A Quick Tour of Analyzer > Application Screen > Views


A View tab lets you see data arranged in columns and rows, similar to a spreadsheet. It is called a View because it displays the source data. Unlike a spreadsheet, you cannot edit individual data cells in an Analyzer View.

The View tab always displays the corresponding table name.

You can change the way data is displayed in the View.

You can change the order of the columns by dragging and dropping them.
You can right-click and modify column attributes including width or formatting (for date or numeric columns)
You can double click on the right edge of a column heading in the View to auto size the width of the selected column
You can right-click and choose "Resize All Columns" to re-size all columns in the current View
You can quick sort data in the View to rearrange the rows
You can apply Quick Filters to restrict the data displayed in the View. Quick Filters also restrict the data processed by subsequent commands issued against the data
You can create new computed fields (or virtual fields) based on the source data fields. Computed fields can be displayed in the View in the same way as source data, but they exist only in your table layout
You can search for data in the View using the Speed Search text box in a manner similar to searching in Google

This affects only the way data is displayed in the View and processed by commands. It does not change the way data is physically arranged in the source file.

Tip: To see which fields in a View define source data and which are computed fields, select Edit from the menu and choose Table Layout. Analyzer displays the Table Layout tab which lists the properties for each field in the current View.

For more information on using the View, see Views, Reports and Graphs.