You are here: Customizing Analyzer > Interface Options > Use Temporary Object Prefix

Use Temporary Object Prefix

Sets a prefix for automatic deletion of temporary project items in your local project (table layouts, procedures, indexes, workspaces and Views) whose names start with the specified prefix whenever an Analyzer project is closed (similar to issuing a delete prefix*.* command). If no prefix is specified then no automatic deletion will occur.

Note: The minimum length of the temp object prefix is 3 characters (although it can also be left blank). This is a done as caution to prevent specifying overly short prefixes which could cause unintended deletion of project items. For example, specifying “T” would cause all project items starting with a “T” to be deleted.

This command is not case-sensitive and by default this option is turned off.

When used, only project items in the local project folder or its sub-folders will be deleted.

Project items stored/created within shared folders (Personal, Team or Enterprise) will not be deleted. For more information see Shared Folders.

The temporary object prefix does not apply to folders even if a project folder name begins with the temporary object prefix.

To manually delete files using the temporary prefix on the command line or within a procedure, see the Temp option of the Delete command.

Command Mode Syntax

SET TEMP <TO> <prefix>

prefix must be a valid character value for an Analyzer project item.


To set the temporary delete prefix to “JUNK_”:


To clear the temporary delete prefix: