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Table Layouts

Table layouts tell Analyzer how to read and interpret data in source files. A table layout describes the layout and content of a data file and the data file name and its location. It describes the data in each field and identifies the fields that you want to analyze. Analyzer’s Data Definition Wizard makes it easy for you to create a table layout for all common data types.

A table layout contains the following specific information about the source data file:

Data file name and path
Arbutus Server that source data resides on
Record length
Field names
Start position and length of each field
Data type for each field
Number of decimals
Numeric formats
Date formats
Refresh information for imported data from ODBC-compliant data sources

In addition, the table layout contains information that Analyzer can associate with the data file:

Alternate column titles
Definitions for computed fields/expressions
Field notes
Relations established with other data files

You can always edit the table layout later to add, delete or modify the fields you want to analyze. You can also copy, link, and share table layouts among Project files.