You are here: Views, Reports and Graphs > Summary of Report Formatting Options

Summary of Report Formatting Options

The following table summarizes the report formatting features available and the dialog or option used to define them.

Formatting Feature

Dialog or Right-Click Option Used

Add column

Right-click in the View - select “Add Columns”

Delete column

Right-click column in the View - select “Remove Columns

Rearrange column

Drag and drop column in the View

Add a computed field

Right-click in the View - select “Add Columns”, click [Expression]

Change font

Right-click in the View - select “Report Fonts...”

Column heading

Right-click column in the View - select “Modify Columns”

Column width

Drag column separator in the View or double-click right edge of column heading to auto-size

Numeric formatting

Right-click column in the View - select “Modify Columns”

Sort key column

Right-click column in the View - select “Modify Columns”

Sort order of column
(Ascending; Descending)

Right-click column in the View - select “Modify Columns”

Group By column

Right-click column in the View - select “Modify Columns”

Page break

Right-click column in the View - select “Modify Columns”

Suppress Duplicates

Right-click column in the View - select “Modify Columns”

Suppress totals

Right-click column in the View - select “Modify Columns”

Blank If Zero

Right-click column in the View - select “Modify Columns”

Negatives Display Red

Right-click column in the View - select “Modify Columns”


Right-click in the View - select “Print Report...”


Right-click in the View - select “Print Report...”

Filter condition

Right-click in the View - select “Print Report...”


Right-click in the View - select “Print Report...”


Right-click in the View - select “Print Report...”

Suppress blank detail lines

Right-click in the View - select “Print Report...”

Detail line spacing

Right-click in the View - select “Print Report...”

Date format

[Date] tab in the Options dialog

Paper size

Click [Setup] in the Report dialog

Paper source

Click [Setup] in the Report dialog


[Print] tab in the Options dialog

Page numbering


Date and time stamp
