You are here: A Quick Tour of Analyzer > Application Screen > Status Bar

Status Bar

The status bar appears at the bottom of the application workspace and displays the name of the Analyzer Project you are currently using, the name and location of the source data for the of the currently open table and the number of records in that file.

When running procedures, the name of the procedure currently running replaces the name of the current Project in the left hand window of the status bar. The status bar also lists any filter or index that is in use for the active table.

Record Count Display

Analyzer calculates and displays an accurate record count when working with files that have a fixed record length. The record count may also display the following information:

? indicates that the file has variable-length records and that no record count has been determined yet.
?/NNN indicates that a filter has been applied that may limit the number of records that will be processed and displayed in the current View. NNN denotes the number of records in the file.
?/? indicates that a filter has been applied to a variable-length file for which the number of records is not yet known.

Analyzer cannot pre-determine the record count in a file that has variable-length records or filtered records until it executes a command that reads the entire file. As soon as a command such as Count is executed, the record count is updated in the status bar.