You are here: Analyzer Concepts > Single File Operations > Statistical Sampling

Statistical Sampling

Sampling can help you reach a statistically valid conclusion about a data population from a relatively small number of samples.

Analyzer supports two common sampling techniques:

Monetary unit sampling (MUS), in which the population consists of the absolute value of a numeric field
Transaction sampling, also called record sampling, in which the population consists of the number of records

You can choose one of these methods to select the items in the sample:

Fixed interval sampling
Random interval sampling, also called cell sampling
Random sampling

You can sample the entire population, a subset of the population or use filters to perform conditional sampling.

Analyzer has three commands for statistical sampling:

Size to determine statistically appropriate sample sizes and intervals
Sample to draw samples from a population
Evaluate to determine the effect of errors detected in your samples

For more information on the Sample command Sample. For more information on statistical sampling see Sampling.