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Specifying Shared Folders

There are few easy steps to specifying shared folders:

1. Allocate the location where the shared project items will be stored on the local or network drive or on a Windows Server. Shared items are stored as individual files in a Windows folder. The folder must exist before a shared folder can be established.

Note: To prevent the project items in a shared folder from being modified or deleted by end users, the allocated location should be created to allow only read access for users other than the administrator.

Tip: We recommend that shared folders should be backed up whenever new project items are added. This enables the shared folder to be easily restored.

Tip: As the administrator and/or other users may add or remove project items from the shared folder, right-click on the shared folder in the Overview and select “Update Folder Contents” to ensure that the list of shared project items is up to date.

2. In Analyzer, select Share from the main menu.
3. Choose whether the shared folder is to be a Personal, Team or Enterprise share.
4. A Shared Folder Setup dialog appears. Name and specify the shared folder in the Shared Folder Setup dialog and click [OK].

For Enterprise Shared Folders, users will also have to specify a server profile for connecting to the desired Arbutus Windows Server.

For Enterprise Shared Folders on the Arbutus Windows Server, the associated server profile must have the same name for every user. As a result, it is essential that each user ensures that the associated server profile for the shared folder specifies a unique output prefix for each user otherwise users risk overwriting each others work.

Shared Folder Name

Specify a descriptive shared folder name in the Name text box. This name will be displayed in the Overview window in Analyzer.

Shared Folder Location

Browse to select the desired shared folder

Note: When setting up an enterprise shared folder, the shared folder location must not be the same as the output prefix specified in the server profile used to connect to the Arbutus Windows Server where the shared folder resides.

Apply to Project

Each user has the option to display the shared folder in their Overview window for all open Analyzer projects or only for specified projects that are related to the contents of the shared folder.

To create a shared folder that is only displayed for specific Analyzer projects, check the “Apply to this project only” checkbox when creating the shared folder, and enter the desired Analyzer project file name(s), separating each project name with a comma (no spaces should be used other than those included as part of the project name). If this checkbox is not selected then project items in the shared folder will be displayed for all open projects.

Note: In rare circumstances, you may want to set up shared folders manually. Specific instructions for the manual setup of Shared Folders and the manual creation of the necessary administrative file (SHARED.txt) can be found in the “Security and Shared Access” chapter of the accompanying Installation Guide for either Arbutus Analyzer or Arbutus ConnectPlus.

Shared Folder Properties

To display properties for a shared folder, simply right-click on the Shared folder in the Overview and select Properties.