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Specifying Literal or Constant Values

The way a value is specified will determine how Analyzer interprets it.

For example, Analyzer interprets:


as the date February 7th, 2001, 20010207 as the numeric value 20,010,207 and "20010207" as a character string.

Use the following conventions for specifying numeric, date, time, elapsed time or logical constants, literal character strings or file names.

Numeric Constants

Numeric constants must contain no punctuation other than a leading or trailing minus sign and a decimal point.

Date, Time and Elapsed Time Constants

Date, Time and Elapsed Time constants can all be specified. For specific details on all available options, see Date, Time and Elapsed Time Constants (Literals).

Logical Constants

Use logical constants to express a true or false value used for filtering. To specify a logical constant, enter T for a true value or F for a false value. No quotes are required.

Literal Character Strings

Enclose literal character strings in matching double or single quotes.

Literal File Names

The method for specifying literal file names depends on whether a PC-based (non-Zseries) or zSeries file is being referenced.

PC-based and Non-zSeries Files

Specify file name as is or surrounded with double quotes. If the name contains blanks then double quotes are required. If the file is in the same directory as the currently open Analyzer project then the full path is generally not required.

zSeries based Files

To specify a fully qualified zSeries file name in Analyzer, surround the name with single quotes and then double quotes.

To specify an unqualified zSeries file name, simply specify the file name. Quotes are unnecessary and ignored if present. The file name will have the prefix specified in the server profile added in front in order to determine the fully qualified file name.




PC based file with full path

“c:/Analyzer/Data/sales.dat” or c:/Analyzer/Data/sales.dat

PC based file with blanks

“c:/Analyzer/Data/january sales.dat”

PC based file with relative pathing

“sales.dat” or sales.dat

zSeries fully qualified data set


zSeries unqualified data set

“sales” or sales