You are here: Customizing Analyzer > Table Options > Sort Order

Sort Order

The Sort Order option specifies the sort order (sequence) to be used for character fields when using the Sort and Index commands.

By default, Analyzer sorts data increasing byte order.

Analyzer offers three sort order options:

Byte Order

For all languages, the data will be sorted in increasing byte order

Tip: You can use the Windows Character Map accessory to view the full Unicode character set in increasing byte order.

Phonetic Order

For non-Asian languages, the data in the local language will be sorted by grouping together related upper and lower case characters

For Asian languages, the data will be sorted in the standard phonetic order

Stroke Count (Chinese) Order

For traditional and simplified Chinese languages only, the data will be sorted based on each characters stroke count rather than the characters phonetic order

Command Syntax


Where n is 0 for Byte order, 1 for Phonetic order, and 2 for Stroke Count order.