You are here: Analyzer Concepts > Analyzer’s Analytical Capabilities > Single File Operations

Single File Operations

Analyzer commands let you perform a variety of operations on individual data files.

Ensuring Data Integrity

You can do the following operations to ensure data integrity:

• Count records
• Total the values of numeric fields
• Verify data in fields

Surveying Numeric and/or Date Data

You can do the following operations to survey numeric and/or date data:

• Create graphs to visualize data
• Profile – compute minimum, maximum, total, and absolute values for numeric fields
• Statistics – compute a complete set of descriptive properties for numeric or date fields
• Generate digital analysis with the Benford command

Summarizing Data

You can do the following operations to summarize data:

• Stratify – summarize on numeric values
• Age – summarize on date values
• Classify – summarize on character values
• Summarize – summarize on character values, with more options
• Cross Tabulate – summarize on character values by cross-tabulating character fields

Sequence Testing

You can perform the following sequence tests:

• Test for sequence errors
• Search for gaps
• Search for duplicates

Isolating Data

You can do the following operations to isolate data:

• Search for selected records
• Extract data into a new file
• Export data into other file formats

Re-ordering Data

You can do the following operations to re-order data:

• Sort data by rearranging it in a new file
• Index the contents of a data file

Statistical Sampling

You can do the following sampling operations:

• Determine Sample Size
• Extract samples from a population
• Evaluate the effect of data errors on a population