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Sequence Testing: Sequence, Gaps, and Duplicates

There are three commands for analyzing key fields containing sequential data, such as invoice numbers or dates. These key fields can contain character, date or numeric data.

Sequence determines whether the data is in order, and has options that let you search for gaps and duplicates as well. Gaps and Duplicates can operate only on files previously sorted on the field(s) that contain the sequential data.

Because of differences in the command output, using all three commands will provide the greatest analytical insight.


Sequence determines and reports whether specified key fields (character, date or numeric) are in sequential order.

For more information on the Sequence command see Sequence.


Gaps detects missing items in sorted character, date or numeric fields, and produces a list of gap ranges or missing numbers.

For more information on the Gaps command see Gaps.


Duplicates detects items that occur more than once in sorted character, date or numeric fields.

Duplicates can also be used to test for fuzzy duplicates (Near or Similar) and to look for Same-Same-Different duplicates.

For more information on the Duplicates command see Duplicates.