You are here: Sampling > Sampling With and Without Replacement > Select Items Only Once Option

Select Items Only Once Option

For Monetary Unit Sampling (MUS), the item selected is actually a cent, not a dollar, so it is unlikely that any numbers in a monetary unit sample will be discarded. The implication of this is that in monetary unit sampling, the same record might be selected more than once.

To limit replacement, click the [More] button in the Sample dialog and then select the “Select items only once” checkbox. This causes suppression of duplicate sample items so that only one occurrence of each sampled item appears in the output file. As a result, however, the output file may contain fewer records than the number specified in the Sample command.

To compensate for the suppression of any duplicate sample items and to ensure that the full number of required sample items is selected, you can oversample. Simply add a few extra records to the sample by modifying the MUS interval or the size.

Oversampling is most often necessary if the no the“Select items only once” option is used in conjunction with random monetary unit samples. In this case, you can have Analyzer report the selection order by clicking the [More] button of the Sample command and checking the “Report Selection Order” checkbox. This allows you to test the required number of items in the order in which Analyzer selected them.

If you do not select “Select items only once”, your sample size will be fulfilled, but your output sample file might contain duplicate items.