You are here: A Quick Tour of Analyzer > Saving Your Work

Saving Your Work

Although Analyzer automatically saves most changes as you make them, you can always save your work at any time. To save a project item:

1. Ensure the project item to be saved is the active tab.
2. Select File from the menu.
3. Choose Save to save the active Analyzer project item.

In addition, you can save a copy of an active View, procedure or workspace. To save a copy of a project item:

1. Ensure the project item to be saved is the active tab.
2. Select File from the menu.
3. Choose Save As to save a copy of the active Analyzer project item.
4. Analyzer prompts you to name the saved item. Enter a meaningful name and click [OK].

Note: New workspaces and procedures are saved in the same folder as the Analyzer project, while new Views are saved in the same project folder as the active table layout. Once created, you can drag and move any project item in the Overview to place it in the appropriate project folder (if other than the default location).