You are here: Functions > SOUNDSLIKE()


SOUNDSLIKE() performs a “fuzzy” comparison of two strings and returns True or False to indicate whether two strings sound phonetically alike.

SOUNDSLIKE() first converts the strings to four-character codes as described in SOUNDEX(). It then compares each string’s SOUNDEX() code and returns True if the codes are equal and False if they are not.

This function is not case-sensitive, so “SMITH” is equivalent to “smith.”

Use SOUNDSLIKE() to identify items that sound similar for the purpose of matching.

Note: Because of limitations of the SOUNDEX() algorithm, SOUNDSLIKE() may identify a large number of false positives, however it will miss few likely positives.

Function Format



SOUNDSLIKE("Fairview Media", "fairview ind") = T

SOUNDSLIKE("Fairviews Media", "fairview ind") = F

To create a filter that identifies all names that sound like “Smith”, specify the condition: