You are here: Commands > Refresh


Use Refresh to update the flat file created when importing data from an external source. This includes report files flattened using the Data Definition Wizard. In a procedure, you can refresh, then analyze the file as you would any other data file.

The Refresh command replaces only the associated data file and does not automatically update field definitions without prompting. The Refresh command assumes the format of the source data is identical to when it was originally defined in Analyzer. If not you should re-import the data. For more information see Import.


The Refresh command has the following parameter:


If you need a password to refresh data from an external source, use the Password command. See Password for details.

Refresh Right-Click Menu Item

You can update your table data from the Overview as follows:

In the Overview, right-click on the table layout and select “Refresh from Source”

Command Mode Syntax

REFRESH <table-layout-name> <PASSWORD n>

table-layout_name is the name of the table layout that you created when importing your data.


To refresh an imported flattened table from the source data file, type:


To refresh from a password protected source data file, use the Password command followed by the Refresh command. The Password command will prompt the user for the password:

PASSWORD 1 “Enter Password for Orders file:”¿