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Record Sampling - Example

Because record sampling treats each record equally, the amount to be sampled is 1 for all samples. Also, larger items are no more likely to be selected than smaller ones. This example has the following characteristics.

Fixed-interval Method

Line 2 is selected because the random start is 2. Because the interval is 5, every 5th record after that is selected; in this case, records 7 and 12.

Cell (Random Interval) Method

The records are grouped into sets of 5 records. We assume that the following records were chosen:

The first record in the first group
The fourth record in the second group
The second record in the third group
The first record in the fourth group

This method has generated one more selection than the fixed-interval method, due to the chance selection of the first record in the last group.

Random Method

We assume that the three random values between 1 and 16 are 2, 5 and 14.