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Project Item Properties

To View the properties for a project item (Table Layout, View, Procedure, Index or Workspace), right-click on the project item in the Overview and select “Properties”.

The Properties dialog may contain several tabs (depending on the project item):

General - provides standard file information for all project items (path and location, file name, date modified, size etc.). For tablelayouts, the Propproperties list the Object properties (table layout name/location/date), the Data File properties (data file name/location/date) and optional Refreshable Data Sources properties (source data name and selected table/worksheet within it)
Notes - provides a text area to enter notes (much like electronic post-it notes) for all project items except indexes. Notes can easily be added, modified and removed as required. Notes are useful for explaining details of a process that is repeated on a regular basis. If more than one person will be working with project items, we suggest all users include initials and the time/date for each note.

Note: Notes will be made read-only if the project items windows properties are set to read-only.

History (optional) - only available for tables created as a result of Analyzer commands. History lists Analyzer commands used to create table layout including refreshable Import commands. For more information see Table History.