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A procedure is a series of Analyzer commands and operations that can be executed repeatedly and automatically. Almost any combination of Analyzer commands and operations can be stored in a procedure. Procedures let you automate your analysis.

You can group of commands within a procedure. Because reading disk-based files can be time consuming, using a group to execute all commands in a single pass of the file can significantly reduce total processing time.

Procedures can be run as integrated applications, with their own dialog boxes for user input. You do not have to be the creator of the procedure to use it effectively.

Procedures are based on Analyzer’s command language. They can execute simple routines or perform complex analyses and data manipulation tasks. One procedure can call another procedure, much like a subroutine call in programming.

You can also use procedures to do the following:

• “Program” with Analyzer. You can use procedures to perform complex operations on a file, remember information from previous records or perform calculations spanning a number of records.
• Process multiple-record-type files. These types of files have more than one type of record, and each record type may require a different form of processing.
• Process data in complex variable-length files or segmented files. These types of files require information from elsewhere in the record to establish the correct record length or to position the fields. Grouped commands can be used to coordinate the processing.

For more information, see Procedure Overview.

Interactive Procedures

You can have procedures prompt users to provide information needed for your analysis, such as field names, variables, and command parameters.

Dialog Boxes in Procedures

The Dialog Builder lets you design your own procedure dialog boxes that prompt users for input and selections in interactive procedures. The Dialog Builder offers you a full range of controls, including option buttons and checkboxes. You can also customize the size and placement of each control.