You are here: Views, Reports and Graphs > Printing a View

Printing a View

To print a View at any time, do the following:

1. Display the View you want to print as the active window.
2. Click [Print Active Window] in the button bar or select File from the menu and choose Print. Analyzer displays the Print dialog.
3. Choose options as required. The options that appear depend on the currently selected printer. Common options include the following:
• All prints all the pages in your selected job.
• Pages lets you print a range of pages or a highlighted selection from the Command Log. Enter the start and end page numbers in the From and To text boxes, respectively.
4. To specify other printing options, click [Setup] to display the Page Setup dialog. Select a printer, page orientation and paper size. Click [OK] to return to the Print dialog.
5. Specify the print range and click [Print] to print your View to the default printer.

Note: Printing a View is different from printing a report. Printing a View produces a relatively “plain” output with little formatting and no subtotals. Printing a report provides full formatting.

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