You are here: Field Types > Print


Reads printable numeric ASCII or EBCDIC data.

This field is exactly the same as numeric, except for its treatment of fields with no explicit decimal point. If a field definition includes decimal places but no explicit decimal point, print assumes there are no decimals for that record.

For example, in a field with two decimal places, 123 is interpreted as 123.00; 12.3 as 12.30; and 12. as 12.00.

The length of this field type is a maximum of 40 bytes, however, Analyzer generates an error message if a number larger than 22 digits is encountered.

The print field type corresponds to a COBOL display field type, complete with period, sign and commas. Not only does it ignore commas, but print correctly interprets parentheses and “CR” as negative. Signs can be either leading or trailing, fixed or floating and any other punctuation (such as $) is ignored.