You are here: Command Parameters > Presort


Presort is a command parameter that allows you to specify the field(s) to presort the data upon prior to processing a command. Presort can be used with a variety of commands to presort on a group of selected fields.

For the Join command the Presort is based on the primary keys chosen for the Join.

For supported commands, Presort is offered as either a checkbox in the main command dialog or a radio button under the [More] button.

Note: You cannot use the presort command parameter within a Group command in a procedure.

64 Bit Sorting

Analyzer offers the ability to automatically invoke a 64 Bit Sort which may significantly enhance sort speeds. The requirements for automatically invoking the 64 Bit Sorting are:

using a 64 Bit Version of Windows
having at least 8 GB of RAM installed

If unable to use 64 Bit Sorting, Analyzer will revert to 32 Bit Sorting.

Maximum performance benefits will occur when working with large files (over 1 GB) on machines with at least 8 GB of RAM – otherwise the sorting performance will be equivalent to 32 Bit Sorting.

Command Mode Syntax

For example, the following command causes the output for the Extract command to be presorted on the LOC field prior to processing the command:


Command Dialog Box

Depending on the command, the Presort option is available as a “Presort” checkbox in the main dialog or by clicking the [More] button and selecting either the “Presort field(s)” or “Additional field(s)” radio buttons (depending on the command) and then choosing the fields to presort upon in appropriate order from the associated list box.