You are here: Commands > Pause


Use the Pause command to create a custom message to prompt the end-user in a procedure such as an error message or input explanation. The message appears in a dialog.

Note: The Pause command is not intended for application on a record-by-record basis, so cannot be included within a Group command in a procedure.

The Pause command can also be used to temporarily halt the running of a procedure for a specified number of seconds.

This command can be issued only in command mode. For more information, see Using Commands.


The Pause command has the following parameter: If. For a description, see Command Parameters.

Command Mode Syntax

PAUSE message <WAIT n1> <IF test>

PAUSE <n2> <IF test>

message specifies any valid character string of up to 200 characters.
WAIT n1 specifies the maximum number of seconds to halt the procedure and display a message unless the [OK] button is pressed within n1 seconds.
n2 specifies the number of seconds to pause the running of a procedure regardless of whether the [OK] button is pressed or not.

Note: Specify either WAIT n1 or n2 or neither - do not specify both.


To display a message to the user in a procedure, enter the following command in the Command Log text box:

PAUSE 'The Product Class must entered as a 2-digit value.'

When used in a procedure, Analyzer displays the prompt at the appropriate point when the procedure is run.