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PROPER() converts alphabetic characters in a string or field to mixed case. PROPER() is useful for tasks such as producing confirmation letters.

Function Format


The PROPER() function takes a single character string C and converts it to upper case and lower case in the appropriate manner for representing proper names. PROPER() uses the rule that the first alphabetic character is converted to upper case and any following alphabetic characters are converted to lower case.

Additionally, possessive terms are appropriately converted as well (for example, O'HARA'S to O'Hara's)

See also UPPER() and LOWER(), which convert alphabetic characters to upper case and lower case, respectively.


PROPER("JOHN DOE") = "John Doe"

PROPER("john doe") = "John Doe"

PROPER("123 AnyWhere St.") = "123 Anywhere St."

PROPER("BILL O'HARA") = "Bill O'Hara"

PROPER("O'HARA'S PUB") = "O'Hara's Pub"